The United States Department of Justice says that the forum of cyber crimes allegedly affected 17 million Americans- BC

The United States Department of Justice says that the forum of cyber crimes allegedly affected 17 million Americans– BC

On Thursday, an international coalition of application agencies of the Law of Australia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain and the United States demolished and confiscated two prominent piracy forums and two other related cyber services.

After demolition operations were revealed by Europol and that of Germany Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) On Thursday, the United States Department of Justice published his own announcementproviding more details about the two forums, which were called cracked and annulled.

According to the Department of Justice, since 2018 Cracked had more than four million users who negotiated cybercriminal tools and stolen information, producing around $ 4 million in revenues. Prosecutors say that data on cyber crime forums affected at least 17 million Americans.

Among those affected, it includes a woman in New York who was supposedly “Cyberstalked”, “Sextorada” and harassed by someone who used a product offered in Cracked, who promised access to “billions of filtered websites” by allowing the Users search the login of login stolen, prosecutors said.

“A cybercriminal entered the victim’s username in the tool and obtained the victim’s credentials for an online account. Using the victim’s credentials, the subject later Cyberstalvotal the victim and sent sexually degrading and threatening messages to the victim, “according to the Department of Justice, who said that the seizures of the forums have the objective of interrupting” this type of cybercrime and the proliferation of these tools in the community of cyber crimes. “

As another example, the Justice Department said there was a cancellation product that claimed to contain the names and social security numbers of 500,000 US citizens.

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Do you have more information about the talent of the operation or other operations against the cyber crime? From a non-labor device, you can communicate with Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai safely on the signal to +1 917 257 1382, or by telegram and keybase @lorenzofb, or email. You can also communicate with britcommerce through Securedrop.

Nulled, which has worked since 2016, had more than five million users and more than 43 million publications for advertising piracy tools and stolen data. The Department of Justice said Nulled had an annual income of around $ 1 million.

The DOJ press release said Lucas Sohn, a 29 -year -old Argentine who lives in Spain, is accused of being an “active administrator” of canceled and faces criminal charges for several cyber crimes, including traffic passwords and other data for access computers without accessing authorization.

Sohn faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison for conspiracy for password traffic, 10 years in prison for fraud of access devices and 15 years in prison for identity fraud, said the Department of Justice.

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