The founder of Deepseek, Liang Wenfeng, is welcome from a hero at home- BC

The founder of Deepseek, Liang Wenfeng, is welcome from a hero at home– BC

The founder of Deepseek, Lian Wenfeng, is being acclaimed as a hero in the province of Southern China of Guangdong, where he grew up and, according to the reports, returned for the New Year lunar, united by bodyguard.

Wenfeng, who, at age 40, is already a billionaire due to its coverage fund, with a high steering wheel, has won an even greater admiration of the locals after Depseek’s innovative investigation, which showed that models of The powerful with fewer Nvidia chips. The finding has significant implications, particularly in China, where access to the largest range has been restricted.

Residents Tell The Financial Times That Wenfeng was a “best student” who loved comics, was a genius of mathematics and came from a family of educators. According to a place, he also played some football. “We all grew in this town,” the resident tells the FT. “We are very proud of him.”

Despite its rising star, Wenfeng has greatly avoided public attention, frustrating those anxious to learn more about him. Given the fate of the Chinese high -flight CEOs such as Jack Ma and Pony Ma, who faced the government’s scrutiny after obtaining too much visibility, do not be surprised if Wenfeng chooses to remain in the background.

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