Elon Musk's Dux is still blocking the relief of HIV/AIDS exempt from foreign aid cuts- BC

Elon Musk’s Dux is still blocking the relief of HIV/AIDS exempt from foreign aid cuts– BC

USAID staff who still have access to their email accounts received a notice on Monday night from Ken Jackson, the agency’s assistant to the Management and Resource Manager, saying that the agency “would probably undergo reorganization” and integrated into the State Department. “As we evaluate the USAID and make sure that it is aligned with an agenda of America First, the administration of President Trump and the efforts of the State Department, we will focus on ensuring that every dollar of the agency delivers aid directed and based on Results “, Email Read.

In countries such as Zambia, Nigeria, Haiti and Mozambique, medical equipment ranging from antiretroviral medications to treat HIV to prophylaxis and condoms prior to exposure that can prevent the transmission of the disease are currently in limbo, according to The same USAID worker who warned of the exhibition, which he warned of the exhibition. A drastic increase in the number of children living with HIV. Help cannot reach their destinations because Usaid workers in charge of logistics have been put on administrative license.

“When a baby is born, you do a diagnostic test for early babies, and if it returns positive, you can bombard it with retrovirals, but you can’t do it if you don’t have retrovirals,” says USAID’s same worker. “It is an absolute disaster.”

In Haiti, an aid worker confirmed that the HIV/AIDS drug of USAID remains inaccessible. “We can’t touch the medication,” they say. “Everything is waiting.” The worker added that no one from USAID had responded his phone calls for days.

“The Trump administration is playing with dozens of lives of millions of people, and Haiti is just a consistent example of that in our hemisphere,” says Asia Russell, executive director of the HIV Health Gap International Defense Group.

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Are you a current or previous government worker with information about what is happening? We would like to know about you. Using a workless phone or computer, contact the reporter safely using a personal device on the signal in Kateknibbs.09.

While Pepfar is the best known HIV/AIDS program implemented by USAID, the agency has a series of additional projects dedicated to the problem. A current USAID worker whose research focuses on prophylactic devices mainly for women in sub -Saharan Africa says that his work has also been interrupted. They say that their team members were abruptly interrupted from their emails this afternoon. “We had not yet requested a humanitarian exemption,” they say. “We don’t even have a way to contact him.”

Democratic legislators and dozens of USAID employees protested in front of the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, DC, on Monday after access to the USAID offices were denied. “This illegal and unconstitutional interference with the power of Congress is threatening lives worldwide.” saying Maryland representative Jamie Raskin.

A current USAID employee shared an email with britcommerce who received from the agency on Monday night, informing them that USAID buildings in Washington will remain closed tomorrow. “We will continue to provide more updates as they are available,” says email. “Thanks for your cooperation.”

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