Google lifts the prohibition of using its AI for weapons and surveillance- BC

Google lifts the prohibition of using its AI for weapons and surveillance– BC

Google announced on Tuesday that you are reviewing the principles that govern how artificial intelligence and other advanced technology use. The company eliminated the language that promised not to pursue “technologies that cause or probably cause general damage”, “weapons or other technologies whose main purpose or implementation is to directly cause or facilitate injuries to people”, “technologies that collect or use information for surveillance that violate internationally accepted norms “and” technologies whose purpose contravenes the widely accepted principles of international law and human rights. “

The changes were revealed in An attached note At the top of a 2018 blog post that presents the guidelines. “We have made updates to our principles of AI. Visit for more information, ”says the note.

In A blog post on TuesdayA couple of Google executives cited the increasingly generalized use of AI, evolving standards and geopolitical battles on AI such as the “backdrop” why Google’s principles should be checked.

Google first published the principles in 2018 as it moved to quell internal protests on the company’s decision to work in a program of US military drones. In response, he refused to renew the government’s contract and also announced a set of principles to guide the future uses of their advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Among other measures, the principles declared that Google would not develop weapons, certain surveillance systems or technologies that undermine human rights.

But in an announcement on Tuesday, Google eliminated those commitments. The new website It no longer lists a set of prohibited uses for Google’s initiatives. On the other hand, the reviewed document offers Google more space to pursue potentially sensitive use cases. He states that Google will implement “appropriate human supervision, due diligence and feedback mechanisms to align with the objectives of the user, social responsibility and the widely accepted principles of international law and human rights.” Google also says it will work to “mitigate unwanted or harmful results.”

“We believe that democracies should lead in the development of AI, guided by fundamental values ​​such as freedom, equality and respect for human rights,” wrote James Manyika, senior vice president of research on research, technology and society, and demis Hassabis, CEO of Google Deepmind, the dear research laboratory of the company. “And we believe that companies, governments and organizations that share these values ​​should work together to create AI that protects people, promotes global growth and supports national security.”

They added that Google will continue to focus on AI projects “that are aligned with our mission, our scientific approach and our areas of specialization, and will remain consistent with the widely accepted principles of international law and human rights.”

Multiple Google employees expressed concern about changes in conversations with britcommerce. “It is deeply worrying to see Google leave its commitment to the ethical use of AI technology without contributions from its wider employees or the public, despite the feeling of long -time employees that the company should not be in business Of the war, “says Parul Koul, a Software Engineer from Google and president of Alphabet Union World-Cwa.

Do you have a tip?

Are you a current or previous employee on Google? We would like to know about you. Using a workless phone or computer, communicate with Paresh Dave in Signal/WhatsApp/Telegram at +1-415-565-1302 or parsh_dave@ britcommerce, or Caroline Haskins On Signal at +1 785-813-1084 or by mail electronic cholecharolinehaskins@gail .com

The return of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, last month has galvanized many companies to review the policies that promote equity and other liberal ideals. Google spokesman Alex Krasov says that the changes have been in process much longer.

Google lists its new objectives as bold, responsible and collaborative initiatives of AI. Gone are phrases such as “being socially beneficial” and maintaining “scientific excellence.” A mention of “respecting intellectual property rights” was added.

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