How Bongino went from Infowars to the deputy director of the FBI- BC

How Bongino went from Infowars to the deputy director of the FBI– BC

Bongino served full time in the New York Police from 1997 to 1999 before joining the Secret Service.

He left in 2011 to follow a political career, which was running for the Senate as a Republican in Maryland in 2012. At that time, his opinion about his former employer was still very positive.

“The president was a wonderful guy,” Bongino said about Obama in 2011. “So I saw that he was a wonderful father and a wonderful man and was very, very friendly and very friendly to me.” In a memory published in 2013, Bongino added that Obama was “one of a group of men for whom I would have gladly sacrificed my life.”

However, almost at the same time, Bongino began to take his first steps in a path that would finally lead him to become one of the largest podcasters in the United States.

In 2013 he appeared in Infowars, where he spoke with Alex Jones about the most recent shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School. After Jones said that it is “so exaggerated how the Democrats have become” in relation to the shootings in the response schools, Bongino replied that the Democrats are not crisis managers, but that they are “taking advantage of the crisis [and] Use a national emotional crisis so that you create things that are simply not true. “

A decade later, Jones would be ordered by a court to liquidate his assets to pay the families of the victims of the shooting $ 1.5 billion.

Bongino made multiple appearances in Jones Show in the period prior to his second failed inclination of Congress in 2014, this time losing to the current Democratic representative John Delaney in the sixth district of the Maryland Congress.

During one of his appearances in Infowars, Bongino increased the theory of conspiracy that the CIA agents were told during terrorist attacks against the special mission of the United States and the annex in Benghazi, Libya.

Bongino began his own podcast, Dan Bongino’s showIn 2015, and a year later he made his third attempt to win a seat in Congress, this time in the 19th district of the Florida Congress. Just a week before the vote, Bongino was registered having a complete in Meltdown while talking to a politician journalist, whom he called “A true piece of shit. “

In 2018, Bongino received his own 30 -minute show at the National Association of the Rifle Association, Nratv. Bongino used his program to continuously hammer the work done by a special lawyer, and the former FBI director, Robert Mueller, who at that time was investigating Trump and the accusations that Russia interfered with the 2016 elections.

Bongino pushed the conspiracy theory in which Trump’s campaign was being spied, a situation in which he called “Spygate” and called “the greatest scandal in the history of the United States.”

During a show, arguing the setback against the nomination of the judge of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court, Bongino said: “All my life at this time is about owning the Libs. That’s all. The Libs … have been shown through this abomination of Kavanaugh in a process to be … bad evil. “

His robust defense of Trump caught the attention of the producers in Fox, who reserved it hundreds of times during this period, and seems to be at this point that Trump realized Bongino.

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