
The surprising ingredient that helped Polynesians conquer the Pacific- Brit Commerce

The surprising ingredient that helped Polynesians conquer the Pacific– Brit Commerce

Sweet potatoes are a very versatile root vegetable. You can roast them, bake them into a pie, turn them into the third best kind of fries, and apparently, you can make them an integral part of the colonization of the Polynesian islands. Sweet potatoes are not native to Polynesia, but instead emerged thousands of miles […]

The surprising ingredient that helped Polynesians conquer the Pacific– Brit Commerce Read More »

Europe's 'oldest battlefield' just got weirder with new evidence that outsiders were involved- Brit Commerce

Europe’s ‘oldest battlefield’ just got weirder with new evidence that outsiders were involved– Brit Commerce

The Tollense Valley in northeastern Germany is home to what is known as the world’s oldest battlefield: an archaeological site containing the remains of some 150 individuals, dating back to the 13th century BC. Now, analysis of arrowheads found at the site reveals that the weapons were not manufactured locally, suggesting that people from other

Europe’s ‘oldest battlefield’ just got weirder with new evidence that outsiders were involved– Brit Commerce Read More »

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