Independent Games Showcase It is currently offline due to what it describes as a fake phishing report. While the game store’s servers are still online, the website’s domain currently points to IP addresses that does not own, making it inaccessible to most people. blames pop culture collectibles company Funko for problems in a publish in X“because they use a crappy ‘AI-powered’ brand protection software called Brand Shield that created a fake phishing report for our registrar.”
While the disputed page has been removed,’s domain registrar, i wantmynamestill disabled the domain probably due to automated systems. According to a publish in XThe indie games market is now waiting for the domain registrar to respond and re-enable your domain.
If you know how to modify your hosts file that maps hostnames to IP addresses, you can use the IP address in the meantime, but you will need to remove the entry once the domain is restored. has hope The problems will be resolved within hours, so there will be no need to implement a new domain name.
The domain issues come just days after began allowing its users to use its domain name for Bluesky accounts. If you spent $10 on the platform then you have the option of using your profile URL on Bluesky, but current issues with the domain mean that anyone who has switched to’s custom URLs will get an error of “invalid identifier” on Bluesky until the main domain is back online.